The New Moon in Virgo: Where do you need a Miracle?
Where do you need a miracle right now? Where do you need the hand of Grace to heal your suffering?
Tonight‘s Virgo New Moon (21º58’) at 6:39pm PDT/9:39pm EDT is not about working hard, suffering, being a martyr or a victim…. It’s about devoting ourselves, every single day, to unconditional love. We humans suffer first and foremost from our fears, which make us see others differently from us. This fear-based lens in turn skews our perceptions and hardens our hearts against them. When we harden ourselves against others, it can create hardness and suffering in our physical form.
The physical can never elude the spiritual.
Virgo recognizes that healing comes both from miracles as well as our day-to-day habits and rituals with which we feed ourselves, both literally and figuratively.
Miracles happen when we surrender into the arms of the Divine Mother… when we share with her our deepest, darkest fears, and she wipes away our tears, cradles us to her heart, and sings us a lullaby that makes the big monster under the bed seem a whole lot less scary.
It’s then, through her magical Grace, that we can transmute our fears into love. This is the purest form of alchemy, Virgo style. We’re not here to slay our demons… we’re here to embrace them for the gifts they bring, so that we can then be of service to Mama Gaia and all her beings every single day, through unconditional love.
WE get to be the great Mother, birthing a better, more loving place for ourselves and the generations beyond. Offering unconditional love to those who are different, to those who are suffering, and most importantly, to our inner child within, whose greatest fear is to be separated from their Mother.
Spending time in nature is the easiest way to reconnect to the Mother. Sit against a tree, listen to the birds, watch a sunset, look at the stars in the sky, smell a rose, eat a fresh September apple… Nature is the fastest way to feel safe, connected, and loved.
Nature is also proven to help improve with our health, probably because she helps us to feel love. There’s a reason we call her Mother Nature! So get out there everyday. Don’t make excuses about why you can’t do it, why you don’t have time. Why would you deny yourself the exquiteness of her love?
“The physical can never elude the spiritual.”
Wherever you are in the world, she is beckoning you. Surrender into the Mother’s arms. Dedicate yourself to giving and receiving unconditional love in some form every single day, and watch your suffering transform.
I love you!