Magic happens when we liberate the goddess within.

The key is to understand yourself at your deepest and highest levels. My gift is to help you get there so that you can expand into your highest purpose.

Luna Liberation is a new 4-week container for womben, star children, and lightworkers who want to use their gifts in partnership with the energy of the cosmos. It’s a safe space where you can discover, play, and create to take your next quantum leap in your work, relationships, health, spirituality, finances… whatever will catalyze you into your vitality and bliss.

You know deep within your soul that the time is ripe for upleveling and expanding who you are and how you impact the world around you.

We begin on each New Moon, starting with the Aquarius Lunar Cycle, on January 21, 2023. Join us!

Not sure if the Luna Liberation Series is for you? Let’s connect. You can schedule your free discovery call here: