The New Moon in Virgo (August 27, 2022): Calling in the Divine Feminine Masters
“I declare that my self-compassion creates a new relationship with life that is filled with the blessings of happiness, love, joy, peace, and prosperity that I deserve.”
Greetings, beauty! I've missed you so much the past couple of weeks. Those of you who follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or Telegram may have seen that I have been in hell the last two weeks between a severe poison oak reaction that went systemic and having to take our house off the market temporarily due to some unexpected repairs. (Thanks, Saturn transiting my 4th house square Uranus in Taurus!)
Everyone I know is really going through it right now. No one is being spared from change and transformation, whether big or small. One of the things I love so much about astrology is that it reminds us that everything is transitory. Every moment is just that: a moment. We can use this awareness to help us breathe and move forward through some of these challenging times.
This Virgo lunar cycle, which begins with the Virgo New Moon on August 27, 2022, at 1:17a PDT, is an apt reminder how important it is to take care of ourselves when everything feels heavy and like WERK. I mean, I wish I could infuse some humor and lightness into this message, like Mars in Gemini trying to liven up the party, but it feels inappropriate and awkward, because everyone is being forced to FOCUS and concentrate on the tasks at hand.
What do you do when you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, when nothing seems like it's going the way you intended or visualized? You call in the Divine Feminine masters: Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, Joan of Arc, Vesta, White Buffalo Calf Woman… the list of helpers is extensive. They are here to help us all the time, especially during this Virgo lunar cycle. I talk much more about how they can support us during these challenging times in both the New Moon reading as well as the analysis of the key transits for the Virgo lunar cycle.
The sign of Virgo gets a bum rap, but it’s undeserved. The loving Mother knows that we must be devoted to our own health and well-being to be of service to others. When we commit to a paradigm of divinely feminine light and love, we can release the logjams of fear and trauma that hold us back. Harvesting does take effort and energy, but it is always worth it when we have conceived and cultivated the seedling from the truth of our heart.
The chart for the New Moon in Virgo on August 27, 2022
Virgo New Moon & Lunar Cycle Offerings
A 40-minute New Moon in Virgo reading with accompanying journal prompts is now available for immediate download. In this Virgo deep dive, we’ll look at the energy of this Virgo New Moon and how we can focus our efforts on what matters most to us while calling on assistance from the Divine Feminine masters. Choosing to heal is up to us, but we don’t ever have to go it alone.
Here’s a 5-minute excerpt:
In honor of Virgo’s devotion to service, I am also offering a 3–5-minute customized reading for the New Moon via Voxer or Telegram to those who need additional support and inspiration in setting their New Moon intention. Directions on how to contact me are on the pdf when you purchase the reading/journal prompts. (Facebook Messenger, though not my preference, is also an option, just let me know.)
I’ve also made available on my website an analysis of the astrology for the entire Virgo lunar cycle. This means you have access to ALL the major transits for the Virgo lunar cycle, plus a list of void moons with dates and times and their energy. You can purchase this as a package with the New Moon reading and journal prompts here.
Here’s an excerpt:
Beautiful being, I’m so grateful that you have chosen to be your beautiful self on this beautiful planet as we bring forth the birth of the New Earth. Allow yourself to ride the waves of the astrology and energy of these trying times, so that you can tap into the ease and grace as your best and highest self.