New Moon, astrology, astrology and health Divinely Jennifer New Moon, astrology, astrology and health Divinely Jennifer

OMG Ecstasy! The New Moon in Libra (September 25, 2022)

Libra is about frequency… Imagine a spectrum of frequency, with dark on one end, and light on the other, with masculine on one end, and feminine on the other, with yin on one end, and yang on the other. This spectrum symbolizes the polarities these frequencies represent, not to separate, but to attract and bring together. How does the light work with the dark? How does the dark bring out the beauty of light?

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astrology and health, Full Moon Divinely Jennifer astrology and health, Full Moon Divinely Jennifer

Suffering and Grace: The Full Moon in Pisces (September 10, 2022)

This Full Moon in Pisces on September 10, 2022, at 2:59am PDT/5:59am EDT, takes us right into the very heart of who we are. We can either run away from what’s illuminated, or we can shine the light of grace upon it.

Of course, this is easier said than done! Many of us carry not only our own burdens but those of our lineage as well. It can take us a lifetime (or three) to release these burdens, which may come in the form of limiting beliefs, feeling unworthy or unlovable, physical challenges, or more.

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astrology Divinely Jennifer astrology Divinely Jennifer

Changing How I Offer Astrology and Health Readings

Big changes are underfoot, and I have a lot to share with you today, which is why I'm going to make this communication available in both written and video form. I hope you'll take the time to read/listen, as it pertains to big changes in how I work with people now and in the future.

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New Moon Divinely Jennifer New Moon Divinely Jennifer

The New Moon in Virgo (August 27, 2022): Calling in the Divine Feminine Masters

This Virgo lunar cycle, which begins with the Virgo New Moon on August 27, 2022, at 1:17a PDT, is an apt reminder how important it is to take care of ourselves when everything feels heavy and like WERK. What do you do when you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, when nothing seems like it's going the way you intended or visualized? You call in the Divine Feminine masters: Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, Joan of Arc, Vesta, White Buffalo Calf Woman… the list of helpers is extensive. They are here to help us all the time, especially during this Virgo lunar cycle.

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astrology and health, Sovereignty Divinely Jennifer astrology and health, Sovereignty Divinely Jennifer

Sovereignty begins with US

For all the blessings of the modern world, the road to “equality” between genders over the last few centuries has led to one significant destination: separating women from the Moon and consequently, our wombs. 🌝

Most women have lost the connection that once bound us tightly to the ebbs and flows of the Moon. We’ve forgotten how easy it is to manifest and attract with the Moon. Those of us who have reclaimed this connection have done it against the grain.

The conventional status quo rarely allows for flow.

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