Sovereignty begins with US
“As if you were on fire from within, the Moon lives in the lining of your skin.”
Can you believe it’s already July?! We’ve been busy prepping the house for market (it looks absolutely gorgeous after a fresh interior paint job, more mulching in the backyard, and a “new” hand-me-down sofa from my parents) and finalizing where our new home will be. More on that below, but first I want to remind you how powerful you are, despite what the shadows of fear and ire have recently evoked (thank you, Mars conjunct Eris in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn! 😤😬).
A moment while I climb onto my soapbox… 🧼📦
Reclaiming the Sovereignty of our Womb
There’s been much discussion (and uproar) about the US Supreme Court decision to reverse R v. W and its ripple effects. Anger, grief, fear, dread, worry, and indignation have manifested as blame, shame, and even violence. The evil patriarchy has yet again sabotaged and suppressed the rights of women.
Or has it?
Before you throw rotten lettuce 🥬 and tomatoes 🍅 at me, hear me out.
For all the blessings of the modern world, the road to “equality” between genders over the last few centuries has led to one significant destination: separating women from the Moon and consequently, our wombs. 🌝
Most women have lost the connection that once bound us tightly to the ebbs and flows of the Moon. We’ve forgotten how easy it is to manifest and attract with the Moon. Those of us who have reclaimed this connection have done it against the grain.
The conventional status quo rarely allows for flow.
Regardless of any legislation that may or may not exist, regardless of our religious and political beliefs, and regardless of when and with whom we have sex, we have a moral obligation to teach adolescent girls how to track their lunar rhythms, most especially so that they can always remain sovereign in the face of perceived oppression… whatever form that “oppression” takes.
Our sovereignty is our birthright.
And that starts with us, the “mothers.” When I say “mother,” I mean any and all adult women. We are all mothers. We are all queens. We must teach, empower, and model for the rising generations as they transition into menarche, as uncomfortable as it might be, or as much as they may initially fight the wisdom (as my own daughters did), because what do we know that they can’t learn on Tik Tok? 😉📱
In our sovereignty and grace, we have the privilege and duty to understand our own cycles so that we can teach it. Whether or not we are still menstruating, we ALL have cycles! When we become intimately acquainted with our wombs, our creative cycles, and our power, whew, watch out, world! 💥 This is some magical goddess energy we get to model for the younger generations.
It's much easier to tap into our feminine power and creativity once we become attuned to both the lunar cycle and our own rhythm within it. (I say this because traditionally women menstruated with the New Moon, but now only a small percentage do.)
Our lives change unapologetically and unequivocally when we understand how much power we have as women, and that power originates in our womb. I don’t mean power to dominate or oppress others (because, yo, that’s hypocritical). I mean power that allows us to stand in our sovereignty and not seek approval, permission, or sustenance from external sources.
It’s the power to say YES when we mean yes, and NO when we mean no. It’s the power to ask the Universe for what we want, the power to live the life we want, and the power to love fully and unconditionally.
(I’ll say it again as I’ve said previously, it doesn’t matter whether we still have a uterus in our body or if we’re still menstruating – once we are born into the world with that luscious, fertile power center in our womb, we will always have access to it.)
Leveraging this creative power can be the difference between surviving and thriving. Ultimately, the Divine wants us to thrive. And I’m here to help you do just that.
And the winner is…
Many of you have asked where we will be moving to when we leave California. As much as we loved Nashville, we’ve decided on Phoenix for the next year or so until the kiddos are done with their various forms of schooling. We have family there, it’s not too far from my parents in CA, and it was my partner’s winter home for several years before he met me, so it’s a happy medium before we venture further eastward.
Yes, I know Phoenix is hot 🥵 in the summer. Yes, I know the water situation is not sustainable long-term 💦. Yes, I know Arizona does not protect sovereignty as much as places like Texas, Tennessee, or Florida. AND, Arizona didn’t just increase their gas tax the way the legislators in California did. 🤨🚗
As I said, it fits well with my family’s current needs AND with our astrology maps (a method known as astrocartography). I’ve made peace with the instability and uncertainty that has become part of our world, which, from what I can see astrologically, is going to be with us for the foreseeable future.
In the meantime, I can say with much certainty, that I love you, and together, we are creating a new world. ❤️
Big sweaty hugs,
Divinely Jennifer