Sparking Connections: Nourishing our Nervous System with the Energy of Aquarius
When I consider how and where Aquarius energy influences our health, I immediately think about the nervous system. Aquarius is all about networks, electricity, and communicating ideas within large groups. Likewise, our nervous system is the communication network of cells that work together so that we can be human. Each nerve cell, or neuron, shares an idea with another via electrical connections and chemical messengers called neurotransmitters.
The magical network of our neurons
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To go back to 8th grade biology class, our nervous system has two parts: The central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, which includes everything else. For instance, the solar plexus, a complex system of nerves in our belly, controls digestion. What I say here certainly impacts the solar plexus, but I will save digestion for another lunar cycle. 😉
The brain and spinal cord form the central nervous system.
When Neurons Misfire: Physical and Emotional Symptoms
When a single neuron isn't functioning properly, it can have significant consequences on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Physically, disruptions in neuron activity can manifest in a variety of symptoms, ranging from tingling sensations or numbness to muscle weakness or even paralysis, depending on the location and function of the affected neuron. This can then lead to unexpected falls, pain, and significant disturbances in daily life.
Mentally and emotionally, alterations in neuron function can lead to mood swings, difficulty concentrating, heightened anxiety, or even feelings of depression. The interconnected nature of neurons means that dysfunction in one area can have ripple effects throughout the entire nervous system, highlighting the importance of maintaining the health and integrity of these vital cells.
The Blood-Brain Barrier: (Sometimes) Guardian of the Brain
Let’s dive a little deeper into keeping our nervous system healthy, versus being like a group of toxic friends who only get together to gossip and complain! The blood-brain barrier is a crucial protective mechanism that regulates the passage of substances from the bloodstream into the brain. This barrier helps maintain the delicate chemical balance necessary for proper brain function. It selectively allows certain molecules to pass through while blocking others, including many neurotransmitters such as dopamine, GABA, and serotonin (which is one reason why anti-depressants like Prozac and Zoloft don’t really work – serotonin can’t get into the brain!).
Blood has no problem getting through the blood-brain barrier!
However, certain substances like alcohol and THC (the psychoactive compound in marijuana) can cross the blood-brain barrier. As most college students can tell you, alcohol can disrupt neurotransmitter activity and affect various brain functions, leading to impaired judgment, coordination, and cognitive abilities. THC binds to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, altering neurotransmitter release and resulting in changes in mood, perception, and memory. It’s also responsible for cotton mouth! 😲
How Sweet It Isn’t
Sugars, such as glucose and fructose, can also be a problem for the nervous system. High sugar intake — in particular high fructose corn syrup found in sodas and processed candies — can lead to insulin resistance in our brain, inflammation, nerve cell damage, and reduced neuroplasticity, a fancy way of saying our ability to adapt to changes in our environment.
All these issues then lead to reduced brain function and can cause brain fog, decreased capacity to learn, and worst of all, neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Heavy Metals are Not Music to your Brain
When it comes to toxins that can breach the blood-brain barrier and cause damage, heavy metals can definitely weigh down our nervous system. Let’s look at mercury and aluminum.
Mercury: Exposure to mercury, including mercury found in certain vaccines and some types of fish, can lead to neurological damage. Mercury disrupts various cellular processes and can accumulate in the brain, causing symptoms such as cognitive impairment, memory loss, muscle weakness, and even hallucinations.
(For those of you wanting to dive deeper into the effects of mercury on the body, I published a paper called “Beautiful Black Poison” all about the history of mercury in medicine in the Weston A. Price Foundation’s journal, Wise Traditions. I’ll share the link to that paper at the end of this post.)
Aluminum: Aluminum can accumulate in the brain and interfere with various neurological processes because it disrupts how nerve cells talk to each other. Aluminum exposure, such as through foil, soda cans, cookware, antiperspirants, and vaccines (most notably Hepatitis B, given to newborns, and HPV, given to adolescents), has been linked to neurotoxicity and is suspected to contribute to the development or exacerbation of certain neurological conditions such as autism, dementia, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s.
Emotions on the Line: The Connection Between the Nervous System and Our Emotions and Fears
Environmental chemicals aren’t the only types of substances that affect our nervous system. The connection between the nervous system and our emotions, feelings, and fears is truly remarkable. Our experiences and emotions can directly impact the functioning of our nervous system, influencing everything from our heart rate to our breathing patterns. When we're feeling stressed or fearful, our nervous system can go into overdrive, triggering the body's "fight or flight" response.
On the other hand, positive emotions like love, happiness and relaxation can help to calm and regulate the nervous system, promoting overall well-being.
It's amazing to think about how intricately our emotional state is intertwined with the complex workings of the nervous system!
Taking Control: Strategies to Nourish the Nervous System
Remember: Your nervous system doesn’t have to be the boss of you! You can impact this communication network through your thoughts, actions, and what you put in your body. Granted, in today's day and age, there are daily stressors that come our way from every different direction. Here are my 3 favorite ways to nourish our nervous system:
1. Breathing: One deep inhalation with a longer exhalation, like a sigh, will immediately take your body out of the fight or flight mechanism, which is regulated by your nervous system. Even one deep breath is better than none! In fact, there is a joke among health care practitioners when someone is coding (which is no joke) that the first step in CPR is for the person who is giving CPR to take a deep breath for themselves before they start chest compressions.
Ideally – and Aquarius is all about ideals – you are able take at least 3 to 5 (or even 10!) minutes of your day to focus on your breathing, whether through meditation or a more intentional form of breathwork. If you have a stressful job, or are a stay-at-home mom with wily, rambunctious toddlers, you can even set a timer on your phone to take 3 deep breaths once an hour. You'll be amazed at how this can help you feel more in control of your thoughts and emotions.
2. Herbs: Herbs help regulate the nervous system in part through the endocrine glands that create neurotransmitters. They can dial up or turn down the volume on the signals between cells. Plus, they are generally way healthier and more effective than pharmaceuticals! It's important to work with a trained herbalist, naturopath, or functional practitioner (like me!!) to understand which herbs are best for your situation. Doctor Google is not a trained herbalist! This is especially important if you are on pharmaceuticals such as anti-depressants, because occasionally there can be negative interactions, or the herb can make the pharmaceutical unnecessary.
3. Moving our body joyfully and intentionally: The human body was designed to move joyfully and in ways to give us pleasure and happiness! It’s not always about werk werk werk werk werk. And it doesn't have to be exercise, although exercise can indeed be a wonderful way to nourish our nervous system.
Research shows that people with spinal cord injury, even when severely paralyzed, still reap measurable benefits from T’ai chi simply by imagining themselves doing the movements. I mean, is that amazing or what!? Our nervous system is so powerful, sometimes it blows me away.
Wrapping it all up with a bow
In conclusion, our nervous system serves as a miraculous communication network, akin to the expansive connections fostered by Aquarius energy. Understanding and nurturing its health are paramount for optimizing our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Through mindful practices such as breathing, herbal support, and joyful movement, we can more easily navigate the bumpy challenges of the world around us. (Did you miss last week’s blog post about how to navigate all that fear out there? Click here.)
When we tap into the power of our nervous system and cultivate a harmonious relationship with it, we can thrive in the dynamic frequencies of life on Earth and use our quirky individuality to serve the greater whole.
Not sure how to do that? Check out the FREE Aquarius Activation Worksheet! Click the button below to receive your copy:
Click HERE to read my paper called “Beautiful, Black Poison” on the history Mercury in medicine.
I love you! 🌹
Still to come:
The Full Moon in Virgo: The Freedom of Transparency
The Highs and Lows of Aquarius: A Nurse’s Perspective