Balance Illuminated 🌝: The Super “Blue” Full Moon in Pisces ♓️
Are you starting to feel all the feels before Wednesday/Thursday’s Full Moon in Pisces? The energy right now is all about balance, and this Full Moon will illuminate where we might be out of balance, especially with our inner feminine/masculine, yin/yang, giving/receiving, and doing/being.
Turning to the Feminine: The Summer Solstice of 2022
Ceres, the mother and queen, the goddess of fertility, conception, and creativity, is what my dear friend, Cyndi, calls the “ace in the hole” for this year’s Summer Solstice, as the Sun crosses into Cancer on June 21 at 2:14a PDT/5:14a EDT. Ceres moved into Cancer on May 15; she can teach so much about love, nurturing, imagination, and selflessness. She’s the consummate mother, and I consider her one of the co-rulers of Cancer with the Moon.