New Moon, astrology, astrology and health Divinely Jennifer New Moon, astrology, astrology and health Divinely Jennifer

OMG Ecstasy! The New Moon in Libra (September 25, 2022)

Libra is about frequency… Imagine a spectrum of frequency, with dark on one end, and light on the other, with masculine on one end, and feminine on the other, with yin on one end, and yang on the other. This spectrum symbolizes the polarities these frequencies represent, not to separate, but to attract and bring together. How does the light work with the dark? How does the dark bring out the beauty of light?

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astrology and health, Full Moon Divinely Jennifer astrology and health, Full Moon Divinely Jennifer

Suffering and Grace: The Full Moon in Pisces (September 10, 2022)

This Full Moon in Pisces on September 10, 2022, at 2:59am PDT/5:59am EDT, takes us right into the very heart of who we are. We can either run away from what’s illuminated, or we can shine the light of grace upon it.

Of course, this is easier said than done! Many of us carry not only our own burdens but those of our lineage as well. It can take us a lifetime (or three) to release these burdens, which may come in the form of limiting beliefs, feeling unworthy or unlovable, physical challenges, or more.

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astrology and health, Sovereignty Divinely Jennifer astrology and health, Sovereignty Divinely Jennifer

Sovereignty begins with US

For all the blessings of the modern world, the road to “equality” between genders over the last few centuries has led to one significant destination: separating women from the Moon and consequently, our wombs. 🌝

Most women have lost the connection that once bound us tightly to the ebbs and flows of the Moon. We’ve forgotten how easy it is to manifest and attract with the Moon. Those of us who have reclaimed this connection have done it against the grain.

The conventional status quo rarely allows for flow.

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astrology and health, astrology Divinely Jennifer astrology and health, astrology Divinely Jennifer

Turning to the Feminine: The Summer Solstice of 2022

Ceres, the mother and queen, the goddess of fertility, conception, and creativity, is what my dear friend, Cyndi, calls the “ace in the hole” for this year’s Summer Solstice, as the Sun crosses into Cancer on June 21 at 2:14a PDT/5:14a EDT. Ceres moved into Cancer on May 15; she can teach so much about love, nurturing, imagination, and selflessness. She’s the consummate mother, and I consider her one of the co-rulers of Cancer with the Moon.

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astrology, astrology and health, Full Moon Divinely Jennifer astrology, astrology and health, Full Moon Divinely Jennifer

The Mirage in the Distance (The Sag Full Moon)

One of my mastermind clients reached out to me yesterday about the Full Moon in Sagittarius, which occurred Tuesday at 4:52am PDT. She wanted my “take” on it. To be honest, I had been wandering (Sagittarius) aimlessly – mostly around my backyard, since we have workers at the house, and I want to be available to answer questions – and having a hard time (square Neptune in Pisces), focusing on anything task-oriented, including analyzing (Gemini) the Full Moon.

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astrology, astrology and health, New Moon, eclipse Divinely Jennifer astrology, astrology and health, New Moon, eclipse Divinely Jennifer

Expecting the Unexpected (The New Moon in Taurus/Partial Solar Eclipse)

The New Moon in Taurus occurs at 1:28p PDT (10*28’ Taurus) and is a “partial” solar eclipse. This New Moon eclipse ushers in a prolonged period of revolution, given its proximity to Uranus, the planet I affectionately dub “the mischievous uncle” because of his proclivity for instigating chaos and change.

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astrology, astrology and health, health Divinely Jennifer astrology, astrology and health, health Divinely Jennifer

Dreams Only Come True When We Believe in Them (The Astrology for Neptune in Pisces PART 2)

Ah, loves, how did you fare when Jupiter conjuncted Neptune on April 12? Something that I mentioned in my first blog on Neptune in Pisces (link) was that the delusion/illusion of separation was dissolving, especially among those who are awakening to the consciousness of the New Earth and divine love. Those who beat the drums of war, whatever that war may be, still live in and create for others the nightmare of separation and polarity between humans.

Over the next several weeks, as we experience the last of the Neptune in Pisces transits until December 2022, pay attention to the separations you create in your own life, and how much more grace you receive from the Divine when you let go of the separation and surrender to the connection – the connection with the Divine, and your connection to others.

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astrology, astrology and health, health Divinely Jennifer astrology, astrology and health, health Divinely Jennifer

Awakening to the Delusion of Separation and Coming Together with LOVE: The Astrology of Neptune in Pisces PART 1

I might be getting in over my head with this blog about Neptune in Pisces. (Haha, corny Pisces joke 😝) Seriously, there’s a lot to share, and you may be cross-eyed by the end. I was tempted to split this into two shorter posts, but given that the theme of this blog is about coming together, not separating, I’m going to trust and have faith that it will reach those who need and want to take in the insights that wish to be expressed.

As I look at the days, weeks, and months ahead, I see that Neptune is going to be a major player all year long. Last year we had our eyes on the Pluto/Eris and Saturn/Uranus squares. This year, Neptune is in the proverbial spotlight, especially this spring.

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