Turning to the Feminine: The Summer Solstice of 2022
“If you are trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”
I’m so grateful that I learned to incorporate the goddesses into the way I channel astrology. When I imagine a chart without them, it looks empty. Harsh. Unbending. Domineering. Controlling. It’s a whole lotta Yang with just a wee bit of Yin.
The goddesses Vesta, Juno, and Ceres are all in water signs right now, keeping us from getting too hardened, dusty, parched, or dry. Venus is in her home sign of Taurus, where she is generous and naturally beautiful, and where she has been hanging out with her trainer and tutor, Pallas Athena. Even Pallas, who normally doesn’t care about how she looks, is radiating in the power of Venus’ love.
Only Eris remains in fire (Aries), fighting for our sovereignty in a society passionately divided between the poles of righteous compliance and absolute freedom.
Ceres, the mother and queen, the goddess of fertility, conception, and creativity, is what my dear friend, Cyndi, calls the “ace in the hole” for this year’s Summer Solstice, as the Sun crosses into Cancer on June 21 at 2:14a PDT/5:14a EDT. Ceres moved into Cancer on May 15; she can teach so much about love, nurturing, imagination, and selflessness. She’s the consummate mother, and I consider her one of the co-rulers of Cancer with the Moon.
The embodiment of Ceres’ beautiful energy
Photo by Marlon Schmeiski
We mothers have been solving problems for millennia and then some. A council of conscious women could probably resolve most of the current issues we face as humans. I’m talking about wise, courageous women who aren’t afraid of their femininity and whose thought centers are connected to their hearts and wombs, not women who have hardened or dulled their femininity to “fit into” what used to be a man’s world, a world that is slipping into chaos (Eris).
[Note: At the risk of causing offense to someone one way or the other, I’m NOT saying that a woman must 1) identify as heterosexual; 2) have birthed a child; or 3) still have a physical uterus to tap into their feminine power. I know plenty of 1) bi- and homosexual women; 2) women who have never had a child; and 3) women who no longer have a uterus who absolutely ooze feminine energy.]
Likewise, Ceres and Juno (the goddess of marriage and intimate partnership) are in a minor grand trine with Uranus in Taurus. Don’t let yourself be distracted by all the chaos and uncertainty in the world, or by inflation or the falling stock market or politics. Love is going to get us out of this mess, and how do we know it’s a mess anyway, and not part of the grand Divine plan?
Now more than ever we need to call in the underrated power of the Feminine. Underestimating the Feminine is a classic mistake made by both the Feminine and the Masculine.
We women underestimate and undervalue ourselves first and foremost. What a divine aspect of our awakening, that moment when we realize how much love and value our gifts and our presence bring to the world, and we decide to stop settling and doubting ourselves!
The Feminine is a portal into the Divine. This Summer Solstice, along with the New Moon in Cancer on June 28, is a portal into the power of the Divine Feminine. Be willing to go there. Set your heart free, and let love guide your way.
You’ll be amazed at what you’re able to conceive and create. I promise it’s worth it!