The Mirage in the Distance (The Sag Full Moon)
“Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe.” ~ Anatole France
One of my mastermind clients reached out to me yesterday to ask about the Full Moon in Sagittarius, which occurred Tuesday at 4:52am PDT. She wanted my “take” on it. To be honest, I had been wandering (Sagittarius) aimlessly – mostly around my backyard, since we have workers at the house, and I wanted to be available to answer questions – and having a hard time (square Neptune in Pisces), focusing on anything task-oriented, including analyzing (Gemini) the Full Moon.
Now that the Moon has moved into Capricorn, the proverbial fog (more Neptune) has lifted from my thoughts (Gemini), and I have more drive to share my thoughts with the world.
For me, this was one of those Full Moons to reflect upon after the fact rather than anticipate ahead of time. Often with astrology, we can anticipate the upcoming energy, even predict what may or may not happen. This Full Moon was different. Like the light of the Sun reflecting upon the Moon, it instead asks us to reflect and contemplate our truths, beliefs, religions, spirituality, long-term plans, travel, and what we’ve thus far learned in our adventures at the University of Life.
The best metaphor for this Full Moon is a mirage in the desert.
Our dreams and long-term plans seem like a mirage… we keep moving closer, but they seem to move further away, ever elusive. How many people do you know who are trying to get something going, like a business or a program or a relationship, and they just can’t get traction?
This could be happening for multiple reasons; I’m seeing three big ones, all of which evolve around timing.
First, the person’s vision is out-of-sync with how the current astrology impacts their natal chart. You can’t plant tomatoes in South Dakota in January!
Second, the vision or initiative is not aligned with who they are and what their soul really wants to do. Perhaps they are doing it only for the money, (versus being of service) or following a scripted path that someone (a coach, guru, teacher, family member, partner, etc.) told them they “should” (Pluto in Capricorn).
Third, they’ve upleveled so much the last couple of years, that they’re still creating the community with which to build and create. Their past peeps aren’t the right ones with whom to partner and build something new (Saturn in Aquarius squaring the Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio). This especially pertains to those who left their jobs in the last two years to forge their own path, a path that is better aligned with their values (Uranus in Taurus) than their job was. They know their visions are of great service and truly valuable, but they haven’t quite figured out how to attract the people who get excited about what they are doing AND will commit to investing in it.
The Sun in Gemini is present moment. It lights us up through ideas, friends, fun, experiences, and superficial curiosity. It’s bar-hopping in your local ‘hood. Sagittarius, on the other hand, represents our longing for adventure. It’s the distance and the future, not in an Aquarian, scientific way, but in a way that is spiritually nourishing.
While it’s important for us to spend time envisioning the life we want to live through books, travel, and study, we also benefit from the magic of the present moment, as the Universe connects the dots of our ideas and experiences. Some of our most life-changing insights and epiphanies can come when we slow down enough to breathe, smell the roses (whether those roses are in our own backyard or a foreign land), and be infused by the grace of the Divine.
Our present-day, mobile-oriented world doesn’t honor the pause; it doesn’t appreciate the wander. Let your wandering be a rebellion against the rally cries to push, do, and control.
“Wander a whole summer if you can. Time will not be taken from the sum of life. Instead of shortening, it will definitely lengthen it and make you immortal.” ~John Muir
In these languorous, hot days after the Full Moon, as the Moon wanes, and the daylight waxes towards next week’s Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere, give yourself the space to determine where you really want to focus your brain power. Do your current dreams and plans still align with who you are? We’re not the same people we were two years ago. Give yourself permission to let go of the beliefs and ideas that are no longer aligned with your soul. Slowing down and wandering can inspire our creativity and bring in new ideas (Gemini) that we can either explore or send back into the cosmos for someone else to dance with.
“Meandering leads to perfection.” ~Lao Tzu
I love you!
I speak more about Gemini and the power of our thoughts and words in my free masterclass, The Power of Words to Create and Communicate. Please email me at if you’d like access to the replay.