The Messages of Mercury Retrograde
If you’ve read any of my last few blogs, or generally pay any attention to social media, you’ll have heard that the planet Mercury is currently retrograde. You may not even know what that means, only that it’s a great excuse for every miscommunication, tech snafu, and delay you may encounter. Missed meeting? Mercury retrograde! Received the red shoes from Amazon instead of brown ones from a vendor that doesn’t take returns? Mercury retrograde! Email with the job offer you didn’t really want go to your spam folder instead of your inbox, and you missed the deadline to respond? Mercury retrograde!
As I discussed on a mastermind call a few weeks ago and briefly during the Gemini masterclass, Mercury retrograde offers us important opportunities to slow down: to review, revisit, and revise.
These “opportunities” can also arrive as considerable stumbling blocks, obstacles, and “I am so embarrassed” moments. Hurry up and wait! Race to the red light! I’m late for a meeting that’s actually scheduled for tomorrow!
Fortunately, this Mercury retrograde has left me scratching my head more than face-palming, though there have been a few of those moments, too. Like the white tail hawk who came to visit us this morning during our daily coffee contemplations, Mercury retrograde brings important messages for us.
Like Mercury retrograde, the white tail hawk brings important messages.
Pay attention to what you’re having to do twice, to what’s not going as planned, to what you are being asked to review, and where you are being asked (forced) to slow down.
Do you heed the messages or get frustrated and try harder? Do you constrict and get tight or surrender and open to what the Universe is asking?
Remember, Mercury retrograde is generally NOT a time to start something new, sign contracts (if you can avoid it), or make big changes in your life. Of course, listen to the intuitions and inspirations that come in. Write them down and plan on taking big action – if it still feels right – between June 5-13, after Mercury stations direct, and while the Moon is waxing. With Mars moving into his home sign of Aries today and then coming together with expansive Jupiter on Sunday, it will be tempting to plow forward, full steam ahead like a tornado, without looking back at the wreckage we might create in our wake.
For now, allow yourself the grace to listen to and be totally present with the messages coming in from the Universe. Pay attention to the “mistakes” (spoiler alert: there are no mistakes), miscommunications, and delays you’re experiencing, and see if you can divine their divine messages. You can be confident that no matter how frustrating the delivered “message” might seem at the time, it comes bearing wisdom and love.
I love you, and that’s not a mistake,
Divinely Jennifer