Speaking our Truth: The Initiatory Energy of the New Moon in Cancer (July 17, 2023)
Whoa, based on the emails and messages I received, this Gemini Lunar Cycle has been truth-telling for many of us. Gemini is all about communication. When we’re not speaking our truth, or using our voice and words for good, it can manifest in conflict or illness/dis-ease, financial problems, and more. 🙁
This is why you haven’t heard much from me for a while, and why there won’t be a video about tomorrow’s New Moon in Cancer. (I’ve got it written out for you below, so be sure to read all the way through if you want to get a gist for the energy in the stars 🌟.) My body has let me know on no uncertain terms that I must speak my truth in all areas of my life, not just where it comes easily. Ha!
I literally could not phonate – articulate sound with my vocal cords -- for the first two weeks of July. 🙊 My voice is slowly coming back, but I must speak differently than I did before, more softly like Danielle LaPorte versus bubbly and enthusiastically like Kelly Clarkson. No yelling across the house for me! 🗣
Because my voice has less stamina, every word matters.
Of course, I had planned to put out several videos this month, but now I’ve had to shift gears as I recover. Always the adventurer (with my natal Venus in Gemini), I’m excited to see how this will manifest in how and what I share with you all. In the meantime, I ask for your patience and understanding as I wander this uncharted territory. 🙏🏼
The Juicy Astrology for this week
As you may have already heard, this week’s astrology is some of the juiciest of the year. We have the New Moon in Cancer ♋️ on Monday, July 17 at 11:31a PDT/2:31p EDT; the lunar nodes move from Taurus and Scorpio into Aries and Libra shortly thereafter, at 12:59p PDT/3:59p EDT; and Venus ♀︎ stations retrograde on Saturday, July 22 at 6:32p PDT/9:32p PDT.
Explaining what each of these events means could warrant three separate 20-minute videos. I’m going to try to sum it all up in a few paragraphs. 😄
In general, the energy from July 17-20 is very initiatory. It’s just begging us to start something, especially in the areas of home, family, healing, our lineage and heritage, ancestry, self-improvement, and land. Whatever you have been aching to start, do, and initiate, NOW is the time to do it. 🏃
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again… so long as you are acting in your sovereignty and not disrespecting other people’s boundaries! ✋🏼 In fact, you might finally be empowered enough to START setting boundaries for yourself. People might be shocked, but they’ll get over it or they’ll go.
With the nodes moving from “fixed” (Taurus and Scorpio) to “cardinal” signs (Aries and Libra), we’ll have a general focus on self-improvement, being accountable for and taking charge of ourselves, and sovereignty with us for the next 18 months. However, the energy for the next 4 days is truly super-charged, especially if the action you’re taking is in service to the New Earth. I don’t see this type of initiatory energy in the stars again until the New Moon in Libra ♎️/Solar Eclipse on October 14.
You may be feeling an upwelling of sacred rage this week, as Venus slows towards her retrograde in Leo on July 22. Venus retrogrades, which occur every 18 months, are very personal; no one is immune to her effects.
Be gentle with yourself during her retrograde from July 22 to September 3. You may find that you are extra sensitive around beauty, finances, and your values. On the one hand, try not to take things personally. On the other hand, if someone invades your personal space in a disrespectful way, you don’t have to be “nice.” Give your creativity plenty of outlets, like dance, music, writing, sewing, painting, whatever makes your heart joyful. This will help release any sacred rage or righteous anger that arises, so it doesn’t get stuck in your body (the way it did in mine).
If you’d like to know what part of your chart might be impacted by Venus retrograde, please email me with your birth info (date, time, place), and I’ll let you know which house or houses will be affected and what those houses symbolize. Anyone who donates to my Ko-fi page will get a personalized write-up for the Venus retrograde.
Thank you for making it all the way through this post. We got this!
I love you!
Jennifer 🌹