Holistic health, Burnout, Nursing Jennifer Schmid Holistic health, Burnout, Nursing Jennifer Schmid

3 Powerful Adaptogenic Herbs to Boost Vitality and Overcome Emotional Exhaustion

Nurses and Moms Know: There is a link between emotional exhaustion and mental health. Statistics reveal a stark reality — approximately 44% of nurses worldwide experience emotional exhaustion, a phenomenon exacerbated by long hours and the relentless demands and expectations of the profession, our patients, and the healthcare system itself. Likewise, according to a recent survey, about 42% of mothers report feeling overwhelmed or emotionally exhausted due to the many responsibilities that come with caring for children.

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Nursing, Holistic health, Videos Jennifer Schmid Nursing, Holistic health, Videos Jennifer Schmid

Five (5) Reasons Why Nurses Need to Prioritize Self-Care

In honor of Nurses Week 2024, it's time to celebrate the invaluable contributions of nurses worldwide. While recognizing their dedication and tireless efforts, it's crucial to address an often-overlooked aspect of nursing: the holistic well-being of nurses themselves.

That’s why I’m excited to announce the launch of my special video series titled Five Reasons Why Nurses Need to Prioritize Self-Care. This series aims to shine a spotlight on the importance of holistic self-care among nurses and its profound impact on patient care, job satisfaction, and longevity in the profession.

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Unlocking the Patterns of Destiny 🇺🇸 (even if you don’t like math 🔢)

What if you could predict your future? Would you want to know what you were going to experience, whether “good” or “bad”? Would you initiate healing habits and practices in your life to “change” what might be? What about for the world at large?

Ironically, for many of us, it’s not a matter of “prediction,” per se. We humans are cyclical creatures, and our lives often follow various cycles and patterns, from a 24-hour day to a 29-day lunar cycle, to a 1-year solar/sun cycle, and beyond. Likewise, when we zoom out on the major astrological aspects that repeat themselves over months and years, we can see very specific patterns emerge.

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How to Navigate Attitude, Health, and Well-being in a Stressed-Out World

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to overlook the profound impact our attitudes have on our overall health and well-being. This week’s energy asks us to consider this: What “bad behavior” are you willing to tolerate from others? Do you to allow someone to disrespect your time or energy, only to vent your frustrations behind their back? Or do you usually find the courage to speak up in the moment, advocating for yourself and fostering healthier relationships, without shaming or blaming the other person?

We’ll explore the profound link between attitude, health, and well-being. From the consequences of suppressing our emotions, to tools for self-exploration (like astrology, human design, and the Gene Keys) discover how to find balance and prioritize inner wellness through self-awareness and trust.

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Eclipse, Nursing, Holistic health, New Moon Jennifer Schmid Eclipse, Nursing, Holistic health, New Moon Jennifer Schmid

How to Harness the Total Solar Eclipse and Overcome Burnout Authentically

Step into the transformative energy of the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries and unlock the power to overcome burnout authentically. In this insightful blog, we delve into the fiery energies of the eclipse, which propels us towards jumping into bold initiatives and profound awakenings. Discover the why we should nurture our mental wellness through holistic practices. When we courageous acknowledge our healing journey, we shed the masks of pretense and people-pleasing to emerge as a beacon of light in a world fraught with challenges. Clarify your intentions, cultivate abundance, and manifest prosperity with confidence. Let this eclipse be your guiding light towards sustainable well-being and empowerment. Plus, don't miss out on a free Mental Wellness Assessment to kickstart your journey today!

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